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Project 1: Visual Massaging with Shapes and Space

Project 1: Visual Messaging with Shape and Space
Summary: For Project 1, we were instructed to create five artboards: two containing lines representing a word, two containing circles representing a word, and one animated word. We were given a list of words for all three parts of the project. We sketched each word before working on the computers. On the computers, we used Illustrator to create everything, and the GIF animation was made in Photoshop. We created our lines first, then circles, and, lastly, animation. After completing all our artboards, we made our Behance page.
Goals: My main goal for this project was to get back into the groove of things. It had been about three months since I last used Adobe applications, so I was pleasantly surprised by how much I remembered. This boosted my confidence during the project. Another goal of mine was to create something relatively unique. For my lines, I aimed to create a representation of 'light' and 'heavy' that Professor Nikki had not seen before.
Research and Ideation: For research, I used Google to search for the words and reviewed their definitions. I also examined the images associated with the words. This process helped me gain a visual understanding of the words and improved my comprehension. When it came to ideation, I attempted to sketch what I had found on Google Images in terms of lines, circles, and words. Creating a specific meaning with a simple line or circle proved challenging but fun.
Explanation: Starting with lines, I wanted to challenge myself to convey a strong message as simply as possible. After many sketches, I chose to depict 'light' and 'heavy' because those sketches were the most unique.

For my circles, I selected the words 'discourage' and 'withdraw.' I represented 'discourage' by showing many large circles surrounding a small one, with the small circle representing how it feels when being discouraged. For 'withdraw,' I illustrated mini circles retreating to the corners of the artboard away from a much larger circle. The abundance of mini circles creates the illusion of movement to depict their rapid withdrawal.

For my GIFs, I chose 'drown' and 'infect.' My 'drown' GIF displays all letters, except 'N,' floating at the top and 'N' dropping to the bottom, signifying drowning. My 'infect' GIF showcases a large 'infect' with tiny letters crawling all over it.
Knowledge Gained: I learned how to use the Create Frame Animation tool, and I'm very excited to incorporate it into my future projects. As I aspire to be an animator or freelance illustrator in my graphic design career, this new skill will undoubtedly come in handy. Additionally, I've developed a newfound appreciation for sketches. Last year, brainstorming 50 ideas felt like an impossible task, but now, when I receive project guidelines, many ideas immediately spring to mind. This growth in my creative process demonstrates my classes are truly helping me advance.
Project 1: Visual Massaging with Shapes and Space

Project 1: Visual Massaging with Shapes and Space


Creative Fields